of this newly formed paradise. stubborness. It is time for you to rest and savor the fruits Venus are proud and tough with a galaxy-wide reputation for application of terraforming technologies. The people of This harsh and deadly planet has been tamed by your diligent VENUS IS TERRAFORMED! furthermore you recieve a two decade holiday. GAIANIZER to oversee further planetary development, reputation for war. You recieve a promotion to SUPERVISORY peopled by a friendly peace-loving folk, belying the Martian Mars has been transformed into a green and beautiful world, MARS IS TERRAFORMED! whole day. into a red-giant and engulfs the inner planets. It ruins your About 10 billion years after the planet was formed it grows As the sun exhasts its nuclear fuel it begins to expand. THE END becomes a nature preserve, allowing evolution to continue. launch them skyward, and the Exodus begins. The home world a short step away. Whole cities are fitted with engines to gain access to scientific benefits. The stars are now only With the advent of nano-technology, all levels of society THE EXODUS beginning to have a significant impact on the planet. medicine and agriculture. But beware, civilization is also rapidly now as breakthroughs are made in energy production, The industrial revolution has occurred! Civilization grows TECHNOLOGY TIME SCALE will bring you into the Technology time scale. and advance technology. The dawn of the industrial revolution Now you must spread your civilization across the planet Civilization time scale. GAIA begins to achieve consciousness. The evolution of intelligent life has brought you to the CIVILIZATION TIME SCALE to reach the Civilization time scale. must survive periodic extinctions and promote intelligence animal kingdoms, and the first steps of life on land. Now you diversification of lifeforms, the beginning of the plant and The Invasion of Land - The Cambrian Era on earth saw a vast EVOLUTION TIME SCALE begins making copies of itself. The thread of life begins. with the unique property of self-replication, the replicator In the primordial soup the replicator is born. A molecule LIFE HAS FORMED multicellular life you will reach the Evolution time scale. survive the shift to an oxygenated atmosphere and evolve be to promote the formation and survival of life. If you can and a solid crust forms on the surface. Your first task will Out of the interstellar dust a planet begins to form. It cools THE DAWN OF GAIA